NaNoWriMo begins! And their progress widget is broken!
Just a quick note of panic and celebration to say that NaNoWriMo has officially begun! And since it seems that their progress bar widget is broken, you are more than welcome to use mine. Just paste the code from the box below into your blog or website, replacing words=1667 with whatever your current wordcount is.
You can also pick a custom goal, but it is preset to 50000 to accommodate NaNoWriMo.

Good luck to all of you, brave NaNoNauts!
You can also pick a custom goal, but it is preset to 50000 to accommodate NaNoWriMo.
Good luck to all of you, brave NaNoNauts!
Thank you for the widget!
Thanks for the widget
I looked for an hour for a darn widget that worked and I finally found yours. Thanks so much for sharing it with us. You rock!
WriterTopia's is broken too. I'm using yours. I love your site. I promoted you last week and got you some new followers.
Thanks! I wanted a word counter for my first time out and it seems my prayers have been answered (my knees hurt though). I added a special thanks in today's blog and added you to my blogroll:
I'm using your widget! Thank you!
Write or Die and Nanowrimo are such perfect partners! Thanks for your awesome program.
I like the widget, any way you can get it to poll the word count API?
Thanks for this widget. I love Write or Die!
Ah, WoD saved me last year. I've been going to bed early this year and I'm 2000 words behind where I should be right now. Time to check in to Write or Die!
Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us!
Thanks for making this!
My friend had a seriouse case of Writer's Block, so I forced her (litteraly, I threatened her with a slow and painful death) to use it, and she LOVES it!
I tried to cut and paste the link for the widgit and it didn't work. My blog is in typepad, could that be the problem? Thanks
Thank you!!!
Cool, thanks! I saw this over on Margo's blog "Life in the Short Lane" and had to have it for mine. Good luck with Nana!
hey! this is really cool... it totally works! LONG LIVE NANO!!!!
Thanks so much for your writing lab - I use it all the time for NaNo! And recommend it to my friends. :)
I found out about this site on Saturday night (two days ago) when I was about 20k behind in Nano. Bought the desktop version yesterday. Finished Nano today. Thanks. Literally couldn't have done it without you.
How do you change it so the word count is 100,000?
Good question.
Thanks for the widget :)
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